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TeraFlex JL IR Long Arm Kit - 1310560

Suspension Control Arm Kit

TeraFlex JL: Alpine Long Control Arms and Alpine Long Arm Brackets provide maximum performance on JL Wrangler/Unlimited models with 3-6" lifts. Innovative IR Bushings provide unrestricted rotation and flex as well as excellent NVH damping.
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Pricing: $657.99


TeraFlex JL: Alpine IR Long Control Arms and Alpine Long Arm Brackets (NOT INCLUDED) provide complete alignment adjustability and dependability for maximum performance on JL Wrangler/Unlimited models with 3-6" lifts. Can be added to any existing suspension lift. Our innovative IR Bushings provide unrestricted rotation and flex as well as excellent NVH damping. These maintenance-free bushings improve on- and off-road ride quality and performance. Must be used with Alpine Long Arm Bracket Kit (JL 2-Door: 1958002 or JL 4-Door: # 1958000) - NOT INCLUDED.



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